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About Grind
Grind – Norwegian for «Gate»
A gate to the landscape
University of Bergen
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1 result
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Leif Grung
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24.06.2019 - 23:43
Last changed: 24.06.2019 | Content type: Place
Industry, Energy and Natural Resources (1)
Apply Industry, Energy and Natural Resources filter
Farm sites (65)
Apply Farm sites filter
Conservation area (56)
Apply Conservation area filter
Middle age (48)
Apply Middle age filter
Trading posts and guesthouses (46)
Apply Trading posts and guesthouses filter
Wetland (36)
Apply Wetland filter
Archaeological findings (35)
Apply Archaeological findings filter
Churches (34)
Apply Churches filter
Late glacial (32)
Apply Late glacial filter
Thrust sheets (31)
Apply Thrust sheets filter
Iron age (30)
Apply Iron age filter
Sediments (30)
Apply Sediments filter
Lakes, rivers and river networks (29)
Apply Lakes, rivers and river networks filter
Civil servant dwellings and manors (28)
Apply Civil servant dwellings and manors filter
Large landforms (25)
Apply Large landforms filter
Museum (25)
Apply Museum filter
Metamorphic rocks (24)
Apply Metamorphic rocks filter
Cultural landscapes (23)
Apply Cultural landscapes filter
Road constructions (23)
Apply Road constructions filter
Fish (22)
Apply Fish filter
Quarries (22)
Apply Quarries filter
Coniferous forests (19)
Apply Coniferous forests filter
Maritime environments (18)
Apply Maritime environments filter
Burial mounds (17)
Apply Burial mounds filter
Deciduous forests (17)
Apply Deciduous forests filter
Bronze age (15)
Apply Bronze age filter
Seabirds (14)
Apply Seabirds filter
Vernacular arts (14)
Apply Vernacular arts filter
Basement rocks (13)
Apply Basement rocks filter
Factories (13)
Apply Factories filter
Vernacular crafts (13)
Apply Vernacular crafts filter
Avalanches and rock falls (12)
Apply Avalanches and rock falls filter
Hydro power (12)
Apply Hydro power filter
Igneous rocks (12)
Apply Igneous rocks filter
Boat- and shipyards (11)
Apply Boat- and shipyards filter
Chieftains and royal lines (11)
Apply Chieftains and royal lines filter
Mineral resources (11)
Apply Mineral resources filter
Small landforms (11)
Apply Small landforms filter
Vegetation history (11)
Apply Vegetation history filter
Music (10)
Apply Music filter
Rock carvings (10)
Apply Rock carvings filter
Defense (9)
Apply Defense filter
Faults (8)
Apply Faults filter
Fisheries (8)
Apply Fisheries filter
Monastery (8)
Apply Monastery filter
Mountain plants (8)
Apply Mountain plants filter
Tourism (8)
Apply Tourism filter
Plants by the sea (7)
Apply Plants by the sea filter
Railroad (7)
Apply Railroad filter
Sedimentary rocks (7)
Apply Sedimentary rocks filter
Waterfalls (7)
Apply Waterfalls filter
Type of content
Place (1)
Apply Place filter
Nordhordland (1)
Apply Nordhordland filter
Vaksdal (1)
Apply Vaksdal filter