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Byrkjehaugen, Voss


19.06.2018 - 17:50

On the farm Bø, close to the highway between Bulken and Voss lies Byrkjehaugen, one of the largest burial mounds in West Norway. Originally it was around 50m across and 5m high, but following the excavation in 1908 and chipping off by both railway and road construction, the cross-section has shrunk to 37m and the height to 4m. All the same, it is an impressive burial monument for the passing traveller to see.



19.06.2018 - 17:48

Thousands of years ago - when the climate was warmer than today - there was probably a lot of moose in Hordaland. We know this from finds of bone from Stone Age settlements. In modern times moose have been almost completely absent from western Norway, until this "King of the Forest" began its come-back, about fifty years ago.

King Sverre in the snowstorm in the Voss Mountains, 1870.


19.06.2018 - 17:48

Wild reindeer in the mountains on the west side of Vikafjells Road, near the county border.


31.03.2018 - 19:13

The largest reindeer herd in Hordaland - outside of Hardangervidda - lives in the mountainous area between Voss/Vaksdal and Sognefjorden.