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The mills at Rekve around 1890.


18.03.2018 - 08:26

If you enter the farmyard at Rekve, some kilometres from Bulken, where the road departs to Giljarhus, you no longer meet “the miller”, Knut Hernes, in his old rural mill. But some years ago he would wish you welcome, friendly and hospitable, and show you around his mill, which had been his workplace for a generation. As light-footed as a youth he climbed in steep ladders high up into the waterfall, to let the water down on to the waterwheel.



31.03.2018 - 20:07

From Hamlagrøhornet one sees a division between the fertile phyllite and the naked Precambrian basement rock types in the landscape


13.01.2019 - 16:38

The type of underlying rock can be decisive for how many different types of plants are found in an area. In the area around Hamlagrø-lake the diversity is especially obvious. The geological conditions change much here within a short distance.

Slopes above the Kårdal boarding house


22.01.2019 - 13:49

Working with roof slates in the slate quarry at Nordheim around the year 1900


22.01.2019 - 14:48

"And here these endless kingdoms and these toils for a rich working life far and wide have lain and slept for a hundred thousand years! Right up until the Voss Railway came in 1883 and woke them, like the prince in the fairytale who awakened the Sleeping Beauty."

Fishing in Flagafossen in the 1930s


24.01.2019 - 14:46

There is probably no bigger salmon to be found in the whole wide world than in Vosso. The average size varies from season to season of course, but for many years this fish has had an average weight of over 10 kilograms. Thumping big ones of 30 kg. have been fished from the river, but one must go back to the 1940s for the last salmon of this size last that was caught.