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Moraine ridges, Fruo.


26.05.2018 - 11:21

At Fruo, nature has built its own little "Chinese wall ". Some kilometers south of the Vøringsfossen waterfall, there are a number of moraine ridges, the longest and most notable of their kind in Hordaland.

The Eidfjord terrace as seen from Lægreid, presumably in the early 1900s.

Hæreid- geology

28.11.2018 - 20:13

The Eidfjord terrace is a gigantic ridge that reaches up more than one hundred metres from the city centre in Eidfjord. It serves as a powerful natural monument left behind by the ice when it retreated.

Sketch showing the process of formation of an esker.


29.03.2018 - 11:35



31.03.2018 - 21:20


Eksingedalen- landscape

13.12.2018 - 17:06

Eksingedalen alternates between wide, flat flood plains with good farmland, and narrow passages with waterfalls where the roads cling to the mountainsides. The alternations in the landscape are a result of the sculpturing work by glaciers over several ice ages, and the deposition of the glacial river deposits when the last glacier finally melted back.

Rindarne moraine

29.03.2018 - 11:56