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Sculptures in the bedrock

Herand- geologi

11.12.2018 - 14:12

Nedre Helland

Nedre Helland- skred

17.06.2018 - 16:42

Many still remember when the avalanche struck Nedre Helland, on the 14th of August, 1953 14:30 o'clock. All of the buildings at one of the farms and the main house on the neighbouring farm were destroyed. The one woman who was inside a building escaped, frightened but unharmed. The same with the others who lived at Nedre Helland; everyone was a safe distance from the avalanche.



29.03.2018 - 11:42

Avalanche - landslide accident at Kalvanes in Odda in January, 1993.


19.05.2018 - 13:17

On the 17th of January, 1993, the area between the towns of Odda and Eitrheimsneset were struck by a giant avalanche. One person was killed, and there was a lot of material damage.