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Oyster farmer Alf-Roald Sætre of the Espevik dam


07.01.2019 - 20:13

Leech (Jan Rabben)


19.06.2018 - 17:19

Three of the islands in the nature preserve: Litla Vesøya, Stora Vestøya and Lyngøy.


19.06.2018 - 18:12

The richest seabird localities in Bjørna Fjord are FLUØYANE, a group of small and medium-sized islets just east of the entrance to Våge. Here, we see many different nesting birds, but there is the danger that overgrowth will become an obstacle for nesting here in the future. On one of the islands, the environmental protection authority has promised to step in and help the birds.

Tysnes appears to be a municipality with many bat localities


31.03.2018 - 19:09



31.03.2018 - 19:10

The Strandaelvi river is forever protected from the development of hydropower. The Lønaøyane islands – which comprise the delta furthest north in Lake Lønavatnet - are a part of this water system. In 1995 the level of protection for the Lønaøyne islands was strengthened to that of a nature preserve because of the rich birdlife in this wetland.

From Skjervheim toward Lake Myrkdalsvatnet.


19.06.2018 - 18:01

Mykdal delta had an unusually diverse bird life, right up until 1987. The Myrkdal delta should have been protected, and the plans were prepared. Despite the area's high elevation at 227 m a.s.l., it had a wide variety of bird species compared with other fresh water wetlands in inner Hordaland. Several of the bird species were also unusual for the region. The delta had for example a permanent nesting colony of Eurasian Wigeon, believed to be the only one of its kind in the municipality.



19.06.2018 - 17:48

Thousands of years ago - when the climate was warmer than today - there was probably a lot of moose in Hordaland. We know this from finds of bone from Stone Age settlements. In modern times moose have been almost completely absent from western Norway, until this "King of the Forest" began its come-back, about fifty years ago.

Wild reindeer in the mountains on the west side of Vikafjells Road, near the county border.


31.03.2018 - 19:13

The largest reindeer herd in Hordaland - outside of Hardangervidda - lives in the mountainous area between Voss/Vaksdal and Sognefjorden.