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31.03.2018 - 20:16

On June 2nd, 1992, a big forest fire broke out in Sveio. The fire started southeast of Hopsfjellet. In a strong wind the flames spread quickly northward. Houses on the other side of the highway were threatened, but escaped unscathed. The burned area, which is easily visible about a 5 minute's drive south from the tunnel at the triple- junction, was made into a nature reserve in 1998. The intention was to ensure that the re-establishment of plant- and animal life would take place without disturbance.

Old pine forest in Husedalen.


27.05.2018 - 15:23

The quartz quarry in the mountainside above Kvalvikane


27.05.2018 - 15:24

In Ålvik quartz has long been used to produce ferro-silicon. The quartz was collected from the other side of the fjord, from the mountainside above Kvalvikane.

From Måge


18.03.2019 - 10:28

Steatite is a type of stone that is abundant in Hardanger. There are large steatite deposits in the mountain below Folgefonna. These deposits are visible both in Krossdalen in Jondal, at Kveitno in Odda and at Måge in Ullensvang. There are many traces of steatite quarrying in Hardanger, and one of the largest fields is in the hillside above Måge.


Einstapevoll- slates

06.05.2019 - 09:53

“On the country of Wallestrand…the rock almost everywhere appears to be of a slate-like substance, be it at the seashore, on the farms or in their distant fields”.