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The farm steading of Årskog.


19.06.2018 - 16:08

Årskog farm is situated in a typical coastal landscape in a gentle terrain that slopes down from the outlying heaths down towards the fjord. The farm steading exists as it was in the 1800s. In 1980 the two brothers, Lars and Olai Årskog donated the farm with all its contents of tools and interior decoration, for museum purposes.

Stordfjella mountain towards the south.


19.06.2018 - 16:33

The highest mountainous area on Stord, including Kattnakken, Midtfjellet and Stovegolvet, has more in common with the mountainous terrain on the mainland than in the low coastal landscape of Sunnhordland. The volcanic bedrock together with the erosive powers of nature has resulted in a unique plateau landscape.

Model of the mining area at Litlabø, Stord


19.06.2018 - 16:35

The first finds of pyrite at Litlabø in Stord came to light in 1864. Forty years later sulphuric ore was mined from an open mine. From 1874 to 1880 it was used for dynamite production. That came to a sudden end when the factory exploded and three people died.

The main building at Huglo, Stord


26.06.2018 - 09:59

The tax collector’s farm at Sørhuglo is one of the many farms for state employees in Hordaland. According to history, “Futastovo” was built by the tax collector Gram in the second half of the 17th century. In 1943 the building was moved to Sunnhordland Folk Museum.

Ådlandsstova, as it stood at Nedre Ådland, Stord


31.03.2018 - 14:36

The Ådland house is one of the biggest medieval houses still existing in West Norway. It is constructed from unusually large, hard fir wood, beautifully oval-cut. One story links the cottage to the Gildeskålbakken at Orninggård (Lower Ådland); thus indicating that the cottage has been the medieval banqueting hall. The building has been dated back to the 13-1400s by carbon dating.



03.01.2019 - 15:26

220 million years ago, glowing hot molten rock masses intruded into fractures in the earth's crust in the outer parts of Hordaland. Some of these are believed to have reached the surface and formed lava flows, which since have been eroded away by wind and weather. But, most of these flows solidified into diabase sills before they got to the surface.

The walls in the boathouse in Hopssundet are built of red granite from Reksteren.


01.05.2018 - 16:39

The Mølster farm in the interim war period.


19.06.2018 - 18:00

Nesheimstunet, Voss


30.03.2018 - 20:29

The second Stalheim Hotel


19.06.2018 - 17:58

Stalheim is situated between Stalheimsfossen and Sivlefossen, in a community with the farms Sivle and Brekke. The most likely explanation of the name is “the farm by Stadall”, from “standa” (stand), probably with background in the steep Stalheimskleivi. The farm has for a long time been divided into several units. At Stalheim there has been a transport exchange from the Middle Ages and the farm has been a postal farm since 1647.
