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The extended farm dwelling at Hopland


03.01.2019 - 15:24

The farmhouses at holding No. 15 at Hopland are built together to form a long, continuous building, with dwelling house, hayshed and cowshed built in one row. There have been many such joined structures in the coastal communities, but today there are few remaining. If we travel to the other side of the North Sea, to the Faeroes, Shetland and the Orkney Islands, we find corresponding features in the older building traditions. We find ourselves in a large North Atlantic cultural area.

The mill that belonged to Johan Steinegger in Kvalvågen in Lindås, an attempt to exploit the difference in tides


16.06.2018 - 18:32

Kotedalen, Radøy


06.12.2018 - 13:33

At the southern end of the bridge between Radøy and Fosnøy archaeologists found an unusual Stone Age settlement. There was a thick “cultural layer” here with the remains of the waste dumps of a hunting people. The place was called Kotedalen. Here they came, one group after the other, and settled for some weeks, some months, or maybe years before they went on, leaving the settlement deserted. Time after time it happened. At least 16 settlement phases have been identified, stretching over 5,500 years.



19.06.2018 - 17:51

Ole Bull-akademiet

19.06.2018 - 17:55

Sigbjørn Berhoft Osa and Ole Bull - Akademiet

The old vicarage at Oppheim.


19.06.2018 - 18:00

In the slope above Oppheim church lies the old vicarage at OPPHEIM. If you stroll up the road from the church you will arrive in a farmyard marked by traces of building style and living traditions from the Middle Ages.


19.06.2018 - 17:55

Ygre Station around 1920.


06.06.2020 - 13:13

Ygre Station lies hidden away for highway travellers, just below the road Vossevangen-Mjølfjell. The station building at Ygre was constructed at Nesttun station in 1879-80. Almost all the stations at the Voss railway were identical. The architect was Balthazar Lange, and the type was called subsidiary station No.4. It is built in the Swiss style, as fashion of the times demanded.