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The Halsnøy Boat

19.06.2018 - 16:25

The circular buckle from Hatteberg, Kvinnherad


13.03.2018 - 20:51

Archaeological fins from the sites at Risøya.


13.03.2018 - 21:08

St. Ludvig.


16.06.2018 - 17:36

B.E.Bendixen, who has written about “The Churches in Søndre Bergenhus Amt”, believed even around 1900 that there was evidence at Tyssøy of the church or the chapel of the Holy Ludvig (Louis). Two large stone blocks had lain in the western wall of the church’s nave, and this wall showed a length of 16 meters in the terrain.

Drawing of runic letters engraved in a carving knife from Fløksand.


19.05.2018 - 20:02

Kotedalen, Radøy


06.12.2018 - 13:33

At the southern end of the bridge between Radøy and Fosnøy archaeologists found an unusual Stone Age settlement. There was a thick “cultural layer” here with the remains of the waste dumps of a hunting people. The place was called Kotedalen. Here they came, one group after the other, and settled for some weeks, some months, or maybe years before they went on, leaving the settlement deserted. Time after time it happened. At least 16 settlement phases have been identified, stretching over 5,500 years.

Two of the rowlocks which have been found in the bogs Mangersnes, Radøy


18.06.2018 - 20:07