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Drageidkanalen, Fusa

Drageid canal

20.03.2018 - 18:05

The trading store at Holsund is now in the Horda Museum.


16.06.2018 - 14:05

In the background Nordrenut and Vesle Finsenuten, from the south-east.


27.05.2018 - 15:47

Many mountain plants are well prepared to face cold and wind. Some would surely rather face an easier life in the lowlands, but they cannot compete with the higher-growing plants living there. Most mountain plants manage to compete for light and space only if they cling to the bedrock and gravel in the harsh high alpine climate.

Glacial river plain at Lake Klevavatnet.


04.12.2018 - 14:30

They rest there, all as one, the silent witnesses of Western Norway's saga of creation: Precambrian basement, phyllite and thrust sheet. In the end came the glaciers and sculptured the vast landscape. Along the ground or on the horizon, from bicycle or on foot - the landscape tells its story - and it tells it clearer on Rallarvegen than many other places.

Traces of the dwellings and activity in the quarry.


19.05.2018 - 13:32