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Detail from smokehouse, Arnatveit, Bergen


12.06.2018 - 19:24

On the farm of Arnatveit, high up on the slope above the highway, an old smokehouse remains standing in the courtyard of the main farm property, in the place of the old common courtyard. Today this farm lies at the outskirts of a large housing estate. Most of the farmland of the other farm properties has been sold to benefit the city’s need of sites for the new community of Arna.



12.06.2018 - 19:08

Fantoft stave church

Fantoft Stave Church

12.06.2018 - 19:09



12.06.2018 - 19:10

The church at Kyrkjebyrkjeland was pulled down in 1878.


12.06.2018 - 17:19

The interior of Mariakirken, Bergen


12.06.2018 - 19:11

Apart from the king’s estate at Holmen, Håkonshallen and the lower floors of the Rosenkrantz tower, the three parish churches in the centre of Bergen are what have been preserved from medieval Bergen: Mariakirken, Korskirken and Olavskirken (the cathedral). The Romanesque base of the tower from Nonneseter monastery church on the spit between the two Lundegård lakes can still be seen in the landscape, while the other medieval buildings now lie in ruins: the town’s oldest town hall and wine cellar at Nikolaikirkealmenning, Lavranskirken and Maria Gildeskåle between Mariakirken and Bryggens Museum and the Katarina hospital on the north side of Dreggsalmenningen.

Nygårdsparken in the 1920s.


31.03.2018 - 14:59

Stream at Holagjel bridge on road between Takkvam and Trengereid.


12.06.2018 - 19:55

The clustered community in Hjølmodalen early in 1900.


26.05.2018 - 11:29

In the steep hillside in Hjølmodalen, a small side valley from Øvre Eidfjord (Upper Eidfjord), which has been a key entrance to the Hardanger Plateau, the hamlet of old farmhouses still lie clustered together. The yard is empty today, some of the houses are used in the summer, but the grass grows round all the corners.



26.05.2018 - 11:30

High up above the fjord, at a height of 600m lie the two holdings at Kjeåsen. Today you can drive there by car, through a new tunnel that the power engineers in Sima have drilled. Until 1974 the only road went up the steep hillside, along iron bolted ladders across dizzying rocks – a road for the strong at heart.
