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07.12.2018 - 14:01

It isn't true that hungry students have hunted down basking ducks in the city park Byparken in their spring fervour, as rumours may have it. But, it is not unusual to see students throw themselves over the park's wild birds, and hold on to them tight. They ring the birds. Because of this, we know quite a lot about the birds in Byparken.



05.12.2018 - 13:49

Fjøsanger is known among ice age researchers from around the world. Under an excavation in 1975-77, geologists from the University of Bergen found layers from the last interglacial, ca. 115 000 to 130 000 years old.

Fjøsanger road

19.05.2018 - 19:23


12.06.2018 - 19:10

Rope making


12.06.2018 - 19:56

Close to the tunnel opening at Amalie Skrams vei in Ssandviken, there is a cultural monument of European dimensions; a rope making works that produced rope and fishing tackle for West and North Norway.

Xylograph of the shipyard, Bergen


19.02.2019 - 14:12

Today the name “Verftet” is linked to both a district and conglomeration of buildings lying protected by Fredriksberg castle. The original shipyard was founded in the 1780s by Georg Brunchorst and Georg Vedeler. It was called Gerogenes Verft (the shipyards of the Georgs), and here ships were both built and repaired in the years after 1786.

Fra Blåmanen mot Vardegga og Ulriken.


07.12.2018 - 14:19

Langavatnet, Åsane (Svein Nord)


05.12.2018 - 18:44

Most associate Åsane with ridges, naturally enough (the Norwegian word for "ridge" is "Ås"). A lesser noticed trait in the landscape are the unusual flat areas that lie between the ridges. The Dalselva River, which was channeled at the end of the 1950s, runs down only 2.5 metres from Lake Langavatnet by Vågsbotn to Flatevad, where it goes over into rapids by Fossekleiva. The layers of gneiss stand nearly vertically, and the mountain surface is so even that one might think it had been planed with a planer.



19.06.2018 - 16:30

The majority of Huglo is bare rock. A bit of dwarf pine forest is the only vegetation able to put down roots. Along the west- and east sides, to the contrary, the landscape is unusually green and lush. The reason lies both in the bedrock and in the ice that covered the area 12 000 years ago.

Stordfjella mountain towards the south.


19.06.2018 - 16:33

The highest mountainous area on Stord, including Kattnakken, Midtfjellet and Stovegolvet, has more in common with the mountainous terrain on the mainland than in the low coastal landscape of Sunnhordland. The volcanic bedrock together with the erosive powers of nature has resulted in a unique plateau landscape.
