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26.05.2018 - 11:16

Whoever wanders the mountain plateau will form time to time hit upon old mountain summer farms, with solid old stone sheds, half sunk into the ground; a building tradition that has roots into prehistoric times. When we have been satiated with untouched Nature, it is somewhat comforting to come upon the old mountain chalets - they represent a type of human encroachment that we not only accept, but appreciate. They arouse a feeling of recognition and are a distinct witness to how people in the rural communities have made use of even the most remote resources.

Vegane gjennom den tronge og bratte Måbødalen

Måbødalen- road construction

26.05.2018 - 11:33



18.03.2018 - 07:59

The lobster park in Espevær

Espevær- lobster park

19.06.2018 - 18:42

The church at Moster, as drawn by Johan Meyer in 1897.

Moster- The old church

18.06.2018 - 20:20

Moster is mentioned as a church site already in the time of Olav Tryggvason. According to the sagas the king is supposed to have laid the foundations for the first church at Moster when he came there in 995. That building would have been a stave church - the church standing there today – a stone church with a nave and narrower, straight chancel – was probably founded around 1100. In 1874 a new church was built at Moster. Then the old church was bought by The Society for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient Monuments, which is still the owner.

From Rubbestadneset.


18.06.2018 - 20:20

The wheelhouse at Hovdanes, Tysnes


30.03.2018 - 20:24

The main house at Nedrevåge, Tysnes


19.06.2018 - 17:44

Vågsbygdo was severely hit by landslides and rock falls in the decades around 1700, in addition, the rivers transported masses of loose sediment, both large stones and gravel. A lot of what slid down from the Vågsliene (slopes at Våg) collected in Neravåge. It was so bad that the damage “never again can be remedied or restored”, it was said in 1670.


19.06.2018 - 17:45

Reksteren (Svein Nord)


19.06.2018 - 17:46

If you smell a foul smell out in nature, you mustn't immediately think that the reason is cloaca from houses or cabins. The reason can be an entirely natural process that occurs when plants are broken down under special conditions. When there is little oxygen available, hydrogen sulphide can be produced. This is a gas that seeps up from the earth and smells like rotten eggs.
