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The sites show the longhouse, a smaller “old folk’s house” and a hayshed.


07.12.2018 - 18:51

Lurekalven is an unpopulated island of heather moor which is a part of the wilderness belonging to the five farms on Ytre Lygra. Between the two islands there is only a small sound. As late as the 1920s, milking cows were rowed over the sound from Lygra in summer – a form of farming that was adapted to the coastal landscape.



21.11.2018 - 19:42

The circular buckle from Hatteberg, Kvinnherad


13.03.2018 - 20:51

Hauga House at Tveito, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:17

Burial mounds from the Bronze Age at Skarvaberget, Sydnes


19.05.2018 - 20:59

The Halsnøy Boat

19.06.2018 - 16:25


16.06.2018 - 18:51

Sæheim (Seim) at Lygrefjord is mentioned as one of the royal farms of Harald Hårfagre. Several of the first Norwegian national kings had their seat here, and the farm became Crown Property up to the 1400s. According to the sagas, Håkon den gode is buried on the farm.

Rosendal Barony, Kvinnherad

Rosendal Barony

19.06.2018 - 16:19

The Barony of Rosendal lies in the grounds of the old noble estate of Hatteberg, on the north side of the Hatteberg river, around one kilometre up from the sea. The three noble estates Seim, Mel and Hatteberg constituted the core of the large estate taken over by Ludvig Rosenkrantz in 1662, after he was married to Karen Mowat in 1658.

The dwelling house at Rød, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:26

In 1969 Sigurd and Margreta Dønhaug donated a collection of around 170 historical cultural objects to Kvinnherad municipality. They wanted their gift to become the start of a farm collection in Uskedalen. And that is what happened.

Sunde, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:13

In 1852 Haktor Thorsen erected two large warehouses on one of his farms in Sunde and started trading and salting herring. This was the start of an industrial adventure that made Sunde into one of the first industrial communities in Kvinnherad.