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The dwelling house at Rød, Kvinnherad

The dwelling house at Rød.(Svein Nord).


In 1969 Sigurd and Margreta Dønhaug donated a collection of around 170 historical cultural objects to Kvinnherad municipality. They wanted their gift to become the start of a farm collection in Uskedalen. And that is what happened.

In 1981 the collection was moved to the old farm RØD. The dwelling house is a smoke house from the 18th century with an added house with a loft, a storeroom on stilts, a smithy and a stable. Today there is also a mill on the farm, moved from Døssland.

Rød has been the property of the Rosendal Barony. The farm also had three smallholdings. From older times the farmers at Rød have had various additional ways of making a living, fishing and hunting, seine production and sea transport. Brigt Holgerson Rød (1864-1943) was a skilful blacksmith, and the Rød knives were renowned far and wide.

The farm has a beautiful situation, surrounded by old, protected, oak trees, and with a view towards Snilstveitøy and the Hardanger Fjord.

  • Daae, L. (1872) Christopher Throndsøn Rustung, hans Søn Enno og hans Datter Skottefruen. Historisk Tidsskrift, II, s. 1-58.
  • Leirvik, R. (1977) Jens Tvedt: diktaren og miljøet. I: Sunnhordland Årbok. Stord, Sunnhordland museum, s. 71-85.
  • Myklebust, T. (1960) Nistovetunet og Jens Tvedt-heimen. I: Sunnhordland Årbok. Stord, Sunnhordland museum, s. 96-98.
  • Scheen, R. (uten år) Sjørøver og admiral: en bok om Christoffer Trundssen (Rustung). Bergen, Grieg.
  • Tvedt, A. (1976) Jens Tvedt og heimbygda hans. I: Sunnhordland Årbok. Stord, Sunnhordland museum, s. 52-55.