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26.05.2018 - 11:25

At Halnefjorden, a few hundred metres east of Halne mountain lodge, lie the remains of two stone sheds – Halnelægeret. Some generations ago the cattle drovers stopped here in the summer; they were the cowboys of their time. But Halnelægeret already had a long history before the cattle drovers came.

Herdla, Askøy

Herdla farm

12.06.2018 - 16:59

Numerous finds show that the settlement at Herdla goes back to prehistoric times, and the large estate at Herdla has enjoyed a central place in the nation’s history since High Middle Ages. As Ask, Herdla was part of the country estate Harald Hårfagre took over as he took command of the west of Norway.

Deportations from Tælavåg 30 April 1942.


16.06.2018 - 17:35

Tælavåg has a significant place in the history of the German occupation in WWII. The small community by the sea, where for centuries people had made a living from farming and fishing in harmony with the natural resources, in 1942 became the victim of German reprisals without their equal in Norwegian war history. The collection of war histories in Tælavåg provides us with a close-up of the dramatic events.

Nils Hertzber’s watercolour from 1829 gives us an impression of the burial site with the menhirs at Årbakkesanden.

Årbakka- The prehistoric site

19.06.2018 - 17:47

The prehistoric site at Årbakkasanden with menhirs and burial mounds has been visited, described and illustrated by many learned researchers through the last 350 years. All the same, we still know very little of this unique cultural monument.

St. Ludvig.


16.06.2018 - 17:36

B.E.Bendixen, who has written about “The Churches in Søndre Bergenhus Amt”, believed even around 1900 that there was evidence at Tyssøy of the church or the chapel of the Holy Ludvig (Louis). Two large stone blocks had lain in the western wall of the church’s nave, and this wall showed a length of 16 meters in the terrain.

The rectory at Finnes

Finnås rectory

31.03.2018 - 20:19

Boat bow of oak shaped like an animal head.


19.06.2018 - 17:15


19.06.2018 - 17:45


19.05.2018 - 20:37