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Curvy scours in the bedrock (

Golta- Gneiss

16.06.2018 - 17:33

Over thousands of years, autumn storms and strong land-driving winds have cleaned the bare rocks of Golta. The waves can beat far in over land and make it dangerous to walk along the shoreline. When the storms have calmed, the results of their work comes into view.

Geologists from all over the world come to study the veined bedrock (the dark stripe in the picture) at Spildepollen.


07.12.2018 - 10:55

The oceanic crust of the North Sea was subjected to a lot of stretching both in Permian and Triassic times, and later in the Jurassic. This stretching resulted in the North Sea collapsing in and also to large faults forming west of Hordaland and on the mainland. Austefjorden in Sund follows one of these faults.

Deportations from Tælavåg 30 April 1942.


16.06.2018 - 17:35

Tælavåg has a significant place in the history of the German occupation in WWII. The small community by the sea, where for centuries people had made a living from farming and fishing in harmony with the natural resources, in 1942 became the victim of German reprisals without their equal in Norwegian war history. The collection of war histories in Tælavåg provides us with a close-up of the dramatic events.

From Hamlagrøhornet one sees a division between the fertile phyllite and the naked Precambrian basement rock types in the landscape


13.01.2019 - 16:38

The type of underlying rock can be decisive for how many different types of plants are found in an area. In the area around Hamlagrø-lake the diversity is especially obvious. The geological conditions change much here within a short distance.

Knute Nelson (no. 3 from right) at Kvilekvål in 1899.


19.06.2018 - 18:03

The story of Knute Nelson is like the story of Jack the Dullard. From narrow and poor conditions in his home country he worked his way up to become governor and senator in the US.

Slopes above the Kårdal boarding house


22.01.2019 - 13:49

Working with roof slates in the slate quarry at Nordheim around the year 1900


22.01.2019 - 14:48

"And here these endless kingdoms and these toils for a rich working life far and wide have lain and slept for a hundred thousand years! Right up until the Voss Railway came in 1883 and woke them, like the prince in the fairytale who awakened the Sleeping Beauty."

Ulevn Camp around 1915.

Ulven camp

16.06.2018 - 16:03

Geologist William Helland-Hansen examining a quartz conglomerate in the Ulven Syncline on one of the hills by the north west end of Lake Ulvenvatnet.


03.01.2019 - 15:16

In the region of Ulven phyllite occurs with Hordaland's youngest fossils, and a beautiful quartz conglomerate. The phyllite and conglomerate got squeezed into the bottom of an ancient oceanic crust, made of gabbro and greenstone, in the heart of the Caledonide mountain chain.