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Fjøsanger road

19.05.2018 - 19:23

Nygårdsparken in the 1920s.


31.03.2018 - 14:59

Rope making


12.06.2018 - 19:56

Close to the tunnel opening at Amalie Skrams vei in Ssandviken, there is a cultural monument of European dimensions; a rope making works that produced rope and fishing tackle for West and North Norway.

Stream at Holagjel bridge on road between Takkvam and Trengereid.


12.06.2018 - 19:55

Xylograph of the shipyard, Bergen


19.02.2019 - 14:12

Today the name “Verftet” is linked to both a district and conglomeration of buildings lying protected by Fredriksberg castle. The original shipyard was founded in the 1780s by Georg Brunchorst and Georg Vedeler. It was called Gerogenes Verft (the shipyards of the Georgs), and here ships were both built and repaired in the years after 1786.

The boathouses at Svåsand.


26.05.2018 - 16:28

Down by the fjord at Svåsand, close to the main highway, there is a long row of boathouses, one of the well-preserved, older boathouse locations along the Hardanger fjord. It is the farms at Svåsand that have their boathouses here, four main farms with origins far back in time.

Early purple orchid

Møkster- botany

31.03.2018 - 19:36



16.06.2018 - 14:05

Some of the giant trees in Hopslia north of Holme Fjord are as much as thirty metres high. Elm and ash are the most common, basswood somewhat rarer. Relatively soft bedrock, good growing conditions and enough light, help them to thrive just here.

Electron Microscope Photo of cyclosporin mushroom Tolypocladium inflatum, magnified 500 times.


31.03.2018 - 19:38

A microscopic mushroom from Hardangervidda has been like a “golden hen” for the Swiss company Novartis. Everywhere in the world, companies are looking for genetic material from nature that can be used for developing new medicines. Occasionally they succeed.

Bryocaulon lichen, from Nesheimshorgi.


31.03.2018 - 19:49
