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26.05.2018 - 11:16

Whoever wanders the mountain plateau will form time to time hit upon old mountain summer farms, with solid old stone sheds, half sunk into the ground; a building tradition that has roots into prehistoric times. When we have been satiated with untouched Nature, it is somewhat comforting to come upon the old mountain chalets - they represent a type of human encroachment that we not only accept, but appreciate. They arouse a feeling of recognition and are a distinct witness to how people in the rural communities have made use of even the most remote resources.

Bolstadøyri around the turn of the former century.


21.11.2018 - 19:29

The village at Bolstadøyri acquired its structure around the middle of the 1800s, but from the old days there has been a meeting place here; court location and trading post. The guesthouse place stems from the second half of the 17th century, and in the previous century Bolstadøyri was one of the largest rural trading posts in Nordhordland.



19.06.2018 - 18:03

A “chest piece” from Bu museum.


29.04.2018 - 11:23

The road Stamnes-Eidslandet

Dalseid- Eidslandet road construction

25.04.2018 - 20:57

Dyrskard with the restored construction hut.


27.05.2018 - 15:07

Right from the start the road across Haukelifjell was a road from “fjord to fjord”, from the bottom of Sørfjorden to Dalen in Telemark. The connection between Røldal-Haukelifjell was considered so important by Stortinget (Parliament) that the road construction Odda-Dalen was approved already in 1853.

Ferstad, Os


16.06.2018 - 14:12

Ferstad is well worth a visit. The farm lies on a little hillock south of Lekven: a beautiful official residence from the 1700s.



06.03.2019 - 15:48

Garnes station


12.06.2018 - 19:16

Stained glass painting in “Målabuo”.


19.06.2018 - 16:19
