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A “chest piece” from Bu museum.


29.04.2018 - 11:23

The chest from Sekse, painted by Gunnar Årekol in 1813.


27.05.2018 - 15:30

The decorations in the house from Li


12.06.2018 - 20:04

Section of the lid of the chest painted around 1830, by Nils Johannesson Tveiterås


16.06.2018 - 17:28

The trading post Kvalesund in Os, around 1900


16.06.2018 - 15:53



06.03.2019 - 15:48

The medieval house at Huse


27.05.2018 - 15:22

The farm Huse is situated on a broad terrace in the valley above the church and the commons ground in Kinsarvik. Huse is one of the largest farms in Kinsarvik. The house from the Middle Ages, still standing at Huse today, probably from the middle of 1200, is joined on to a house in the Swiss style from around 1890. This house, with a smoke-vent in the roof, bears witness of a grand old farm and of the chieftain’s power in early medieval times.

The guesthouse settlement at Utne around 1900.


27.05.2018 - 15:29

When sergeant Peder Larsen Børsem from Strandebarm was “demobilised” in 1721, following the large Nordic War, he married the Bergen lady Elisabeth Schrøder and settled as innkeeper at Utne with a letter of privilege from the county governor dated 29 October 1722.

The village on Hernar in early 1900s.


16.06.2018 - 18:28

Hernar is a small group of islands northwest of Seløy, an old outlying harbour on the western route. This is where ships were lying in wait for favourable weather before heading out west, and this is where the ships from the western Isles came in. Hjeltefjorden is proof of this. The fjord is named after the people from Hjaltland (Shetland).

The trading centre at Langøyna, Fjell


12.06.2018 - 20:02

Up to 1842 it was necessary to have a royal letter of privilege in order to carry out trade. According to the law only city dwellers were allowed to obtain such a privilege, and in Hordaland it was thus the citizens of Bergen who owned and ran the trading centres. In 1842, following a liberalisation of the trading legislation, the privilege arrangement was abandoned and anyone could apply to the municipal council for permission to carry out trading activity. Landøy is one of the places that were established in this period.
