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Gjuvsland (Svein Nord)


19.06.2018 - 16:21

Maters Fjord with Holmedalsberget in the background.


19.06.2018 - 16:22

If you want to be on your own for a long day in a magnificent deciduous forest in demanding terrain, then HOLMESDALSBERGET is the right place. This is a big forested area by Matres Fjord in the southwestly part of Kinnherad. Here, we find one of the largest deciduous forests in Hordaland. The forest stretches over several kilometres.

Møkjedalen (Bjørn Moe)


21.12.2018 - 20:46



21.11.2018 - 19:42

Sunde, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:13

In 1852 Haktor Thorsen erected two large warehouses on one of his farms in Sunde and started trading and salting herring. This was the start of an industrial adventure that made Sunde into one of the first industrial communities in Kvinnherad.



31.03.2018 - 19:25

From Upper Musland toward Geitadalen.


04.01.2019 - 11:02

Some mountains have rounded shapes, while others have steep slopes and sharp edges. Ulvanosa (1246 mos.) has both. The forms reflect the type of bedrock below, and the forces that were in effect when they were formed.

Blood-red geranium


31.03.2018 - 19:30



12.03.2018 - 13:17

The green Hisøya Island


18.06.2018 - 20:17

"I am going to prove to you that I am right". That is what the idealist and county doctor Christian Heitmann is supposed to have said in the early 1890s. He sat together with the parish priest, Kullmann, at Heitmann's home in Stord and discussed whether the islands in western Norway could have been forested or not. The priest thought that the area was too barren and weather-beaten for forest to have been able to grow so far out in the sea. But, Heitmann was sure he was right. He challenged the scepticism and set off to work.
