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The D/S Oster and D/S Børøysund


19.06.2018 - 18:41

The hostelry place at Bruknappen, Lindås


16.06.2018 - 18:46

The hostelry place in Bruknappen is situated north in Radsundet, just south of Festo, by a sheltered idyllic bay, close to the main lane. Sloops both from Sognefjorden and Nordland had their fixed stops at “the blacksmith in Bruknappen”; on their way to Bergen, fully loaded with wood and hazel hoops, barrels and chests, or on their way home with town merchandise.



16.06.2018 - 18:46

Fossevatna, some few kilometres north of Alversund, is one of the finest wetland areas in Lindås. Especially the birdlife has made this place well known. Throughout the year, one can make exciting bird discoveries. But, if you want to hear the flight games skal høre med fagredaktør Stein Byrkjeland of the Snipe, you should come here on a spring or summer evening.

“The Trondheim post road” from Gaulen, Lindås.


16.06.2018 - 18:48

Fløksand - Tidal flats


31.03.2018 - 19:56

There are many puffins in the sea around the bridge


17.06.2018 - 16:41

When the debate about building a pontoon bridge over Salhus Fjord was raging, some were afraid that the bridge would disrupt the ecology of the fjord system inside. The worst predictions did not prove true, but it is easy to see that there was a change: the Puffins have gotten a new food platter after the Nordhordaland bridge was built. Its favourite meal, mussels, thrive on the pontoons that are the foundation for the bridge.