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A “chest piece” from Bu museum.


29.04.2018 - 11:23



18.03.2019 - 09:21

The delta at the outflow of Storelvi in Granvinsvatnet.


24.06.2018 - 15:36

After the ice age, Granvin Fjord reached all the way up under Skjervsfjossen waterfall. Just a thousand years later, as a result of the rising of the land after the ice melted, this whole inner part of the fjord freed itself of the sea and became Granvinsvatnet lake. In spite of this rise in elevation, this waterway is still navigable for fish: Sea trout have wandered into Granvinsvatnet in more recent times and evolved to become freshwater trout. And salmon and sea trout made the journey 13 kilometres up the Storelvi river.

Hardanger Folk Museum

Hardanger Folk Museum

27.05.2018 - 15:18

Haugatun, Strandebarm Youth Association’s hall


05.05.2020 - 08:49

The medieval house at Huse


27.05.2018 - 15:22

The farm Huse is situated on a broad terrace in the valley above the church and the commons ground in Kinsarvik. Huse is one of the largest farms in Kinsarvik. The house from the Middle Ages, still standing at Huse today, probably from the middle of 1200, is joined on to a house in the Swiss style from around 1890. This house, with a smoke-vent in the roof, bears witness of a grand old farm and of the chieftain’s power in early medieval times.

The house for the youth movement, Jondal


05.05.2020 - 10:28

A wedding at Kinsarvik church early in the 1900s.

Kinsarvik church

06.11.2019 - 15:31

By all accounts the church in Kinsarvik must have been one of the four main churches in the old Horda County. The stone church standing today was restored by cathedral architect Chr. Christie in 1880, and again by Peter Helland-Hansen in 1960-61. At that time an archaeological investigation was undertaken, which has unearthed new knowledge about the church.

Tveitafoss Hydroelectric power station


31.03.2018 - 19:16


26.05.2018 - 11:40

On the farms Kjerland and Røynstrond, east of the river that flows into the fjord, we find many decorative painters who belong to the so-called sòlekistemålarane in Hardanger: Knut and Mikkjel Røynstrand and Johannes Jonsson Kjærland.
