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19.06.2018 - 16:10

The beautiful vicarage on the Fjelberg Island lies a few minutes walk up from the fjord, in a compact enclosure with the church south of the main building and the bishop’s residence to the north; a rare harmonic cluster.



12.03.2018 - 12:53



19.12.2018 - 21:15

Hadde ikkje Hardangerfjordbreen mot slutten av istida rykt fram over fjordbotnen, ville Halsnøy ikkje eksistert som éi øy, men som mange småøyar. Breen skuva framfor seg så mykje leire frå havbotnen at Brattåsen, Toftåsen, Landåsen og Svartaberg vart samla i eitt landområde.

The Ancient Ash Tree

The Ancient Ash Tree

19.06.2018 - 16:22

Maters Fjord with Holmedalsberget in the background.


19.06.2018 - 16:22

If you want to be on your own for a long day in a magnificent deciduous forest in demanding terrain, then HOLMESDALSBERGET is the right place. This is a big forested area by Matres Fjord in the southwestly part of Kinnherad. Here, we find one of the largest deciduous forests in Hordaland. The forest stretches over several kilometres.

Kvinnherad Church

Kvinnherad Church

19.06.2018 - 16:12

The stately Kvinnherad Church with its characteristic profile set out against the mighty Malmangernuten in the background, gives you a rare feeling of being present in a historic landscape as you come around Nes and face the well-kept houses at the Skåla farm. The church at Skåla is one of four “fjordungskirker” (one of four main district churches) and this farm was the centre of this coastal administration district.

Langhaugane, Ulvanosa in the background.


03.01.2019 - 16:52

The dwelling house at Rød, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:26

In 1969 Sigurd and Margreta Dønhaug donated a collection of around 170 historical cultural objects to Kvinnherad municipality. They wanted their gift to become the start of a farm collection in Uskedalen. And that is what happened.



21.11.2018 - 19:42

Skorpo (Svein Nord)


29.03.2018 - 11:25

Skorpo - Polished by glaciers and meltwater
