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The waterfall at the top of Tokagjelet


03.12.2018 - 09:55

There is a sharp transition between the wide valley at Kvamskogen and the narrow Tokagjelet. The transition is no less dramatic when we come out of the crooked tunnels far down in the canyon, and the open Steinsdalen valley spreads out before us. The canyon both separates and joins together different epochs in western Norway's history.

Hammarsland, Fusa


30.03.2018 - 08:42

Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

16.06.2018 - 14:03

Potholes by the Koldals River


29.03.2018 - 11:29

"So many and such big potholes as are found at Eikelandsosen, we don't see other places in western Norway, and as beautifully polished as the mountainside is along the river up to Koldal , one would look a long time to see anywhere else. There is much to dazzle a geologist's eyes. If only these features could bring others the same joy!"

The monks leave their mark at Lysekloster

Lysekloster- The monks and nature

15.05.2018 - 13:34

Lysekloster was the largest agricultural property in the country when it was phased out during the Reformation in 1537. In its prime this cloister encompassed two-thirds of all the farms in Os. The monks introduced and cultivated new plant species and it was probably they who stocked the waters with fish not indigenous to the area. This legacy from the Middle Ages has left a lasting mark.


Lysekloster- Mushroom flora

05.12.2018 - 08:05

The area around Lysekloster is one of the most popular places in Hordaland for picking mushrooms. The large variety of mushrooms probably stems from the varied, old, cultural landscape which has a lot of open grazing areas and several types of fir- and deciduous forests.

Nestunet by Nesvatnet.


13.12.2018 - 08:30

The farm Nes lies directly inside Mundheim on a forested headland in the fjord between Mundheimsvika and Bondesundet, a farm with an attractive and well-kept cultural landscape.



26.05.2018 - 16:32

Fyksesundet and Botnagrenda present a fine experience of the landscape and cultural history; a geographically isolated local settlement with extensive cultural contact with the outside world.