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Hammarsland, Fusa

Hammarsland at the Gjøna lake, halfway into the Kikedalen, has an old farm settlement. On one side of the road through the farmyard there has been a house dating from the Middle Ages, joined to a scullery and a frame-built storage house, on the other side of the road there was a house with a loft from the 1800s joined with a large stave hayshed. On the farm there is also a storehouse on stilts and a “window-house” (glasstove) with fine rose paintings from the middle of 1800.

The cultural landscape around the farmstead at Hammarsland provides a close account of the resources in the barter economy on a farm with one living unit in the Middle Ages, with fields, forest and fishing lakes.

  • Kårfolket på geitegarden Hammarland i 1933.

The elders of geitegarden farm, Hammarland, in 1933. Kirsti Andersdotter Hammersland (1859–1940) and Engel Monsen Boge Hammersland (1849–1932) had a strenuous life, where all resources, also from the wilderness, were utilized. Ten children were raised on this little farm by Lake Gjønavatnet. As the most senior man, Engel had responsibility for ensuring enough wood for heating the big pot when it was time for cheese-making in the summer.