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Glacier fall at Bondhusbreen.


19.12.2018 - 19:25

The Bondhus area in Maruanger has been a magnet for tourists ever since the stream of tourists to Norway's west coast began in the middle of the 1800s. The magnificent landscape with the "ice trail" up to Bondhusvatnet Lake, the ice falls from Bondhusbreen glacier and Keisarstigen trail up to Folgefonna are still popular tourist attractions.

Boat bow of oak shaped like an animal head.


19.06.2018 - 17:15

Blanks for bowls and ladles


13.03.2018 - 20:58

Where the school and the sports facility lie at Eidsbøen there was previously a bog surrounded by small hillocks. More than 1000 years ago this was a holy place, where the dead were buried.

The farm at Færavåg, Tysnes


19.06.2018 - 17:18

The main house at Færavåg was built in 1599. History tells us that a German came to Færavåg and built the house. He divided the land between his two sons. They in turn divided it between their two sons, thus there were four equal holdings on the farm. And it is said that all households lived in the same house. They each stayed in their own corner around the fire in the middle of the floor.



12.03.2018 - 12:53

Elias Fiigenschoug’s painting of Halsnøy monastery , 1656

Halsnøy Monastery

19.06.2018 - 16:12

Halsnøy Monastery is situated in the midst of the lush fjord country in Sunnhordland, on one of the old spits, or “necks”, that has given name to the island. Gently sloping fields lead down to the sea on both sides, in the south towards the Kloster Fjord, to the north towards the sheltered Klostervågen.

Herdla, Askøy

Herdla farm

12.06.2018 - 16:59

Numerous finds show that the settlement at Herdla goes back to prehistoric times, and the large estate at Herdla has enjoyed a central place in the nation’s history since High Middle Ages. As Ask, Herdla was part of the country estate Harald Hårfagre took over as he took command of the west of Norway.

The royal mound at Hop, Askøy

Hop- The royal mounds

13.03.2018 - 21:07

The noble estate at Hop; Thomas Erichsens Minde.

Hop- Thomas Erichsens Minde

12.06.2018 - 17:01

From the 1500s Hop was noble estate for the law speaker in Bergen and Gulen judicial districts. Several of the law speakers were of noble descent, such as Hans Hansen Lillienskiold and Niels Knagenhielm. The beautiful main building, still standing, was erected by the Bergen merchant Thomas Erichsen in 1793-95. He also established a magnificent garden with an 800 metres long linden avenue reaching down to the stone boathouse at Hop harbour.

The Hufthammar farmstead, Austevoll


23.06.2022 - 11:23

Farming in Austevoll has nearly all been in combination with fishing as the main industry. The farms in the district are therefore small, even in a west Norwegian context.
