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The long house at Golta, Sund

Golta- Long house

16.06.2018 - 17:34

In the years between the wars a major registration of houses and house costumes, house construction methods, fireplaces and forms of housing clusters was started in West Norway – an ambitious mapping of everything that came under the name “Registration of Culture and Geography in West Norway”. One of the places of which material was gathered in 1938 was an old multi-room house at Golta; new and interesting material for the researchers from the Historical Museum, but well known within the local building tradition through several generations.

Goltasund bridge and Goltasundet


16.06.2018 - 17:34

For generations the land-seine was the most important tool for catching herring and mackerel, and therefore a suitable casting bay was worth its weight in gold. Goltasundet (the Golta sound) on Golta was such a place. Here the herring often drifted in and fantastic casts might be made here.

Geologists from all over the world come to study the veined bedrock (the dark stripe in the picture) at Spildepollen.


07.12.2018 - 10:55

The oceanic crust of the North Sea was subjected to a lot of stretching both in Permian and Triassic times, and later in the Jurassic. This stretching resulted in the North Sea collapsing in and also to large faults forming west of Hordaland and on the mainland. Austefjorden in Sund follows one of these faults.

The Salting shed at Trælevika.


16.06.2018 - 17:35

Section from a sea map from the Danish Sea Map Archive from 1798, drawn by Poul Løvernørn.


18.06.2018 - 20:30

If we study the group of islands south of Selbjørns Fjord from the air or on a sea map, we will notice that many of the islands are elongated and lie systematically in rows. The islands are divided by long sounds, for example Trollosen, Nuleia and Hjelmosen, which are oriented in a south-southeast to north-northwesterly direction.

From Grønafjellet toward Kattnakken.


19.06.2018 - 16:06

Mountain plants with their beautiful, colourful flowers are common in high altitude areas in Norway. On the coast there are not so many of them. But, here and there one nonetheless finds mountain plants, and this makes some coastal mountainsides a little bit different. Perhaps the growth on these mountainsides gives us a little glimpse of a distant past?

Strandflat and scree by land


19.06.2018 - 16:06

Smedholmen, Fitjar


30.03.2018 - 20:10

Stordfjella mountain towards the south.


19.06.2018 - 16:33

The highest mountainous area on Stord, including Kattnakken, Midtfjellet and Stovegolvet, has more in common with the mountainous terrain on the mainland than in the low coastal landscape of Sunnhordland. The volcanic bedrock together with the erosive powers of nature has resulted in a unique plateau landscape.



26.05.2018 - 16:30

There are especially many seabirds inwards along the fjords of western Norway. There are not many islets, either, so if the birds want to nest, it is not always easy to find good sites. At Aksnesholmane there is an impressive colony of gulls, and the locality has been protected since 1923.
