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Strandflat and scree by land

Along Highway 545 a bit north of Fitjar centre is a 100-200 metre wide expanse between Landa and Årskog. It ends abruptly and goes over to high mountainside. So far, frost and waves have eroded the land back in this area during periods when the coast was ice-free during the ice ages. Then, the sea stood 40-60 metres higher than it does today. The waves carved into the shore zone to make the slope steep.

Along the steep edge one finds moss-grown and partly overgrown scree that shows that the scree now rests peace. The stony talus slope tells of climatic conditions with frost-shattering along the mountainside that triggered landslides. This can have occurred toward the end of the Ice Age, but the older inhabitants can still remember that there could be rockfalls during harder winters in their childhood.