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27.05.2018 - 15:17

From Kinsekvelven river toward Lakes Kinsevatnet and Veivatnet.


27.05.2018 - 15:29

From Kinsekvelven river and inward to Lake Veivatnet, we can wander through one of Hardangervidda's many fertile areas. A number of finicky plants grow here, and there are plenty of birds and fish. We can thank a lime rich soil for the diversity.

A zone with nuggets from the inner earth.


12.03.2018 - 13:01

A flock of three youngsters is a lot for a shag, and is testimony to a good nutrient supply in the sea right by the nesting site.

Møkster- seabirds

11.06.2020 - 08:42

Fish and guests smell after three days, it is said. The cormorants do not need this long. If you follow your nose, the cormorant is not difficult to find.

Smedholmen, Fitjar


30.03.2018 - 20:10

From Grønafjellet toward Kattnakken.


19.06.2018 - 16:06

Mountain plants with their beautiful, colourful flowers are common in high altitude areas in Norway. On the coast there are not so many of them. But, here and there one nonetheless finds mountain plants, and this makes some coastal mountainsides a little bit different. Perhaps the growth on these mountainsides gives us a little glimpse of a distant past?

Section from a sea map from the Danish Sea Map Archive from 1798, drawn by Poul Løvernørn.


18.06.2018 - 20:30

If we study the group of islands south of Selbjørns Fjord from the air or on a sea map, we will notice that many of the islands are elongated and lie systematically in rows. The islands are divided by long sounds, for example Trollosen, Nuleia and Hjelmosen, which are oriented in a south-southeast to north-northwesterly direction.

Foglefonna and Sandvikedalen with Hardangerjøkulen in the distance.


12.03.2019 - 15:46

The permanently-protected Mosneselva River, with its meltwater from Folgefonna, runs out into Åkra Fjord by the roadless and uninhabited Mosnes. Those who once lived here were forced to surrender to the ravages of Nature. In the autumn of 1962 there was a flood so great that the people were driven from their farms.

Kontrasten til den fattige fjellheia omkring kan vera stor.


06.03.2019 - 15:39


Ullensvang church

27.05.2018 - 15:28

Ullensvang church, situated beside the vicarage, in idyllic surroundings on the headland just inside Lofthus municipality, is mentioned for the first time in written sources in 1309. At that time the present Gothic stone church must have been new. Judging by the style in the western portal and the eastern chancel windows, the church must have been built around 1300 or just before, probably by builders from Bergen influenced by the English Gothic style.
