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Bjoreidalen by Gamlestølen, towards southwest.


31.03.2018 - 15:02

Bjoreidalen is one of the classic bird localities on Hardangervidda. It is especially known for its wading birds, with as many as 17 of the 19 wader species that nest in Hordaland.



26.05.2018 - 11:25

At Halnefjorden, a few hundred metres east of Halne mountain lodge, lie the remains of two stone sheds – Halnelægeret. Some generations ago the cattle drovers stopped here in the summer; they were the cowboys of their time. But Halnelægeret already had a long history before the cattle drovers came.

The spotted trout


31.03.2018 - 15:04

Few other animal species on Hardangervidda have been as much the focus of scientific research as the spotted trout. The spotted trout is considered to be a genetic variant of brown trout. It lives in parts of the Krækkjav water system. Otherwise, on a world scale, this species is only found in a small area in Kaukasus, and possibly also in a lake in Rondane.

Langavassmyrane looking towards Langavatn.


26.05.2018 - 11:30

The Ruff lek on Langvassmyrane is the only known phenomenon of its kind on Hardangervidda. Every year it attracts hens from the whole plateau. The marsh is also the richest wetland in the county. This green oasis is located in a rocky moraine landscape a few hours walking distance south of Dyranut.



16.06.2018 - 18:46

Fossevatna, some few kilometres north of Alversund, is one of the finest wetland areas in Lindås. Especially the birdlife has made this place well known. Throughout the year, one can make exciting bird discoveries. But, if you want to hear the flight games skal høre med fagredaktør Stein Byrkjeland of the Snipe, you should come here on a spring or summer evening.


Lure Fjord

16.06.2018 - 18:49

Both Lure Fjord and Lindåsosane to the inside give good living conditions for rare marine organisms: jellyfish, shellfish and fish. These include animals that migrated in after last the Ice Age, when the sea level was higher. Eventually, as the land rose, some of these populations became isolated.

The sites show the longhouse, a smaller “old folk’s house” and a hayshed.


07.12.2018 - 18:51

Lurekalven is an unpopulated island of heather moor which is a part of the wilderness belonging to the five farms on Ytre Lygra. Between the two islands there is only a small sound. As late as the 1920s, milking cows were rowed over the sound from Lygra in summer – a form of farming that was adapted to the coastal landscape.



16.06.2018 - 18:53

On Vollom, northwest of Seim, we find the only natural beech forest in Western Norway, which is also the most northerly of its type in the world. Beech grows also many other places in the county, but these trees are totally lacking in history compared with those of Vollomskogen Forest.



31.03.2018 - 21:13

The Nottveit farms are situated without road access at Mofjorden.


17.06.2018 - 16:43

In one of the frame-built haysheds at Nottveit, at holding No. 3, we discover that several of the staves have a medieval look, with large dimensions and carefully rounded edges. According to tradition, it was the farms Nottveit and Mostraumen that supplied the timber for the stave church at Mo, and it is not unlikely that these farms received the old timber in return when the new church was erected there in 1593.
