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Hystadmarka, Stord

Hystad- burial mounds

22.01.2019 - 11:54

The biggest collection of prehistoric burial relics in Stord is to be found in Hystadmarka. There are still 16 burial mounds and two stone rings visible here; finds that span from the Bronze Age to the Viking Age in time.

Skrivargarden in “”Kåravikjo”.


19.06.2018 - 16:32

Coat of arms, Orning


19.06.2018 - 16:35

Sagvåg in the early 1900s, with the gate saw and the shipyard to the right in the picture.


19.06.2018 - 16:36

The pit saw on the property of the farm Valvatna, is the origin of the name Sagvåg. The sawmill is mentioned as early as 1564. The name of the place at that time was Fuglesalt, but soon there is only talk of Saugvog.

The main building at Huglo, Stord


26.06.2018 - 09:59

The tax collector’s farm at Sørhuglo is one of the many farms for state employees in Hordaland. According to history, “Futastovo” was built by the tax collector Gram in the second half of the 17th century. In 1943 the building was moved to Sunnhordland Folk Museum.


Einstapevoll- the farm

19.06.2018 - 17:10

Einstapevoll (from einstape: “bregne” (fern)) lies on the west side of the Tittelsnes peninsula. Up to 1831 the farm was a vicarage belonging to Stord parish. The priests had leasing rights. Land rent and other fees from the farm was part of their salaries.


13.03.2018 - 21:20



19.06.2018 - 17:14

For almost three thousand years Tjernagelshaugen (the Tjernagel cairn) has lain as a landmark at the Bømlo fjord. The poet Torarin mentions the cairn in his account of Knut the Mighty, who in the year of 1028 sailed from Denmark to Nidaros: “And in front of the old cairn at Tjernagel sailed soldiers sharp with peace”.

The gold ring from Vikse.


13.03.2018 - 21:21

Boat bow of oak shaped like an animal head.


19.06.2018 - 17:15
