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Kalandsvatnet and Klokkarvatnet

03.08.2018 - 12:30

Nordåsvatnet (Helge Sunde)


12.06.2018 - 17:13

The Post-war Era came to Fana with its population growth and modern sanitary equipment. This had nearly catastrophic consequences for Nordåsvatnet as a recreational area. After the runoff water got re-directed to deeper water, and later also to the fjord outside, Lake Nordås won back both its swimming guests and its sports fishermen.

Store Lungegårdsvannet

Store Lungegårdsvannet

12.06.2018 - 17:14


31.03.2018 - 15:00



31.03.2018 - 15:01

Lake Skogseidvatnet is the most famous fishing lake in Hordaland, with good stocks of both char and trout. There is fishing here throughout the year: with a net in the autumn, through the ice in winter, and with a fishing rod in the summer.

Vinnesholmen, Fusa


21.11.2018 - 19:25

The smallholding Træet, Askøy


30.03.2018 - 08:56


Fjell river network

07.12.2018 - 15:29

There are many river networks out by the coast and they tend to be small and unassuming. The farmer has relied upon the watercourses to run his mill and saw, and it may be that the trout have given him a good source of food in years when the ocean fish failed. In our time, these river networks are being rediscovered for their value in recreation and outdoor life, and several places, tourist trails have been built in order to fully enjoy them.

Landrovågen, the 1980's.


12.06.2018 - 20:01

Landro has been the largest estate on Sotra, including 15 farms with reasonable conditions for agriculture. Their boathouses have had an excellent harbour in Landrovågen. Landro thus has been a good basis for the combination of agriculture and fishing.

Fossen cliff

Fossen Bratte

07.12.2018 - 09:36

The steep drop by Fossen cliff has been the biggest challenge for those who wished to make a road over Kvamskogen through the years. Leave the car by the monument on the old road and take a walk down to the bend by the waterfall that Bergen-folk call "The bridal veil". Why is there a waterfall just here?
