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The Gramshaug rock paintings.


29.05.2019 - 16:43

From Grønafjellet toward Kattnakken.


19.06.2018 - 16:06

Mountain plants with their beautiful, colourful flowers are common in high altitude areas in Norway. On the coast there are not so many of them. But, here and there one nonetheless finds mountain plants, and this makes some coastal mountainsides a little bit different. Perhaps the growth on these mountainsides gives us a little glimpse of a distant past?

Rock inscriptions at Helgaberget.


18.12.2018 - 21:26

Helgaberget – the holy hill – is a little rocky crag which thrusts itself a few metres above the terraced surface of Støle. The surface of the rock is strewn with figures inscribed in the rock and it was, as far as one can judge, a cult centre in the Bronze Ages. The name could indicate that the tradition of holiness can have lasted for almost 3,000 years.

Hystadmarka, Stord

Hystad- burial mounds

22.01.2019 - 11:54

The biggest collection of prehistoric burial relics in Stord is to be found in Hystadmarka. There are still 16 burial mounds and two stone rings visible here; finds that span from the Bronze Age to the Viking Age in time.

Model of the mining area at Litlabø, Stord


19.06.2018 - 16:35

The first finds of pyrite at Litlabø in Stord came to light in 1864. Forty years later sulphuric ore was mined from an open mine. From 1874 to 1880 it was used for dynamite production. That came to a sudden end when the factory exploded and three people died.



19.06.2018 - 16:08

Rimsvarden lies high and unencumbered, an enormous stone mound on the highest top with a wide view of the Fitjar rural community. With its 30 meters across and almost 4 meters high, this is one of the largest prehistoric burial relics existing in Hordaland.

Rosendal Barony, Kvinnherad

Rosendal Barony

19.06.2018 - 16:19

The Barony of Rosendal lies in the grounds of the old noble estate of Hatteberg, on the north side of the Hatteberg river, around one kilometre up from the sea. The three noble estates Seim, Mel and Hatteberg constituted the core of the large estate taken over by Ludvig Rosenkrantz in 1662, after he was married to Karen Mowat in 1658.

The dwelling house at Rød, Kvinnherad


19.06.2018 - 16:26

In 1969 Sigurd and Margreta Dønhaug donated a collection of around 170 historical cultural objects to Kvinnherad municipality. They wanted their gift to become the start of a farm collection in Uskedalen. And that is what happened.

Boat engines, Norwegian Engine Museum in Skånevik

Skånevik- Norwegian engine museum

25.04.2018 - 21:25

Bautastein, Straumen gard (Svein Nord)


06.05.2019 - 10:37
