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26.05.2018 - 11:28

The transport exchange on the farm Vik in Eidfjord was an important part of the communication network in older times. This is where people secured transport by boat out in the fjord, those travelling across the mountain from east and down into Måbødalen. The transport exchange was situated at “Wiige grund”. Today the highway cuts through the farmyard; the main farmhouse from the 1800s lies on the upper side of the road, the large sea-house, with a bakery in former times, lies close to the fjord.



26.05.2018 - 16:21

Indre Vikane

Indre Vikane

26.05.2018 - 16:24

Sculptures in the bedrock

Herand- geologi

11.12.2018 - 14:12

The country store in Neshamn around 1910.


19.06.2018 - 17:45

Neshamn must be an ancient place for meeting and spending the night for travellers. The place blossomed in connection with the times of economic expansion in the 1500s, which to a large extent was linked to the Scottish trade at this time. Neshamn was a loading place for Scottish ships for two hundred years, up to the middle of the 1700s.

Boat bow of oak shaped like an animal head.


19.06.2018 - 17:15

The trade center at Årbakka, Tysnes

Årbakka- The trading center

30.03.2018 - 20:26


19.06.2018 - 17:45



26.05.2018 - 11:25

At Halnefjorden, a few hundred metres east of Halne mountain lodge, lie the remains of two stone sheds – Halnelægeret. Some generations ago the cattle drovers stopped here in the summer; they were the cowboys of their time. But Halnelægeret already had a long history before the cattle drovers came.

Eidfjord church.

Eidfjord church

28.08.2019 - 09:26

The old stone church at Eidfjord has an open position on the terrace at Lægreid. In a diploma from 1310 it transpires that Torgeir on Sponheim donated a gift for the erection of the church in Eidfjord. Thus we can assume that the church was under construction at the time. The elements in the style confirm such a dating.
