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From Kvalvågstraumen


11.07.2017 - 13:56

Pilot vessel at Fedje.

Fedje traffic office

19.05.2018 - 19:54



07.12.2018 - 12:45

Holmengrå is the only place in Hordaland where we find traces of the abrasion that is supposed to have transformed Western Norway from a Himalaya-like high mountain landscape during the earth's Paleozoic Era, to a flat lowlands terrain during the Mezosoic Era. Just 400 million years ago, large and small stones plummeted down from the high mountains. Some of these stones became incorporated into the conglomerate bedrock on Holmengrå.


16.06.2018 - 18:51

Sæheim (Seim) at Lygrefjord is mentioned as one of the royal farms of Harald Hårfagre. Several of the first Norwegian national kings had their seat here, and the farm became Crown Property up to the 1400s. According to the sagas, Håkon den gode is buried on the farm.

Lindås locks at the beginning of the 1900s.


16.06.2018 - 18:51

At Spjutøy and Straumsosen there are three entrances from Lurefjorden to the fjord basin inside. Right up the end of the 1800s the ferry could not reach further than to Mølna at Spjutøy. At Skallestraumen there was a bark mill driven by the powerful tidal current in the sound. Here was also a store, a bakery and a hostelry place around the middle of the 1800s.



16.06.2018 - 18:53

On Vollom, northwest of Seim, we find the only natural beech forest in Western Norway, which is also the most northerly of its type in the world. Beech grows also many other places in the county, but these trees are totally lacking in history compared with those of Vollomskogen Forest.

Elm - and lime tree


31.03.2018 - 19:56

Nedre Helland

Nedre Helland- skred

17.06.2018 - 16:42

Many still remember when the avalanche struck Nedre Helland, on the 14th of August, 1953 14:30 o'clock. All of the buildings at one of the farms and the main house on the neighbouring farm were destroyed. The one woman who was inside a building escaped, frightened but unharmed. The same with the others who lived at Nedre Helland; everyone was a safe distance from the avalanche.



29.03.2018 - 11:42

Kotedalen, Radøy


06.12.2018 - 13:33

At the southern end of the bridge between Radøy and Fosnøy archaeologists found an unusual Stone Age settlement. There was a thick “cultural layer” here with the remains of the waste dumps of a hunting people. The place was called Kotedalen. Here they came, one group after the other, and settled for some weeks, some months, or maybe years before they went on, leaving the settlement deserted. Time after time it happened. At least 16 settlement phases have been identified, stretching over 5,500 years.
