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The mill that belonged to Johan Steinegger in Kvalvågen in Lindås, an attempt to exploit the difference in tides


16.06.2018 - 18:32

Firing position at Hesthaugen.


16.06.2018 - 18:45

Vinappen lies on a low hill to the very west on the island. Here you have an amazing panorama of the sea. Originally the area was grazing land for cattle, but this changed when the Germans occupied the island. Just before WWII there was a small bearing station, used by the Norwegian Coast Artillery in connection with exercises at sea.

Bjørn West-museum

Matre- Bjørn West museum

17.06.2018 - 16:35

Eclogite bedrock at Ådnefjellet.


13.12.2018 - 09:04

The eclogites in western Norway were formed when Precambrian basement rocks were squeezed and pressed down under great pressure deep under the Caledonian mountain chain. The process may well have triggered some of the deepest earthquakes the world has ever known. The clearest traces of this drama are found in and around Mt. Eldsfjellet, in peaceful Meland.

“Prospectus of Frekhaug”. J.F.L.Dreier, 1812


17.06.2018 - 16:38

Frekhaug has been a large farm with well-off owners through many generations. The main house, a two storey building with a hipped roof, must have been erected about 1780.

The commanding officer's home.


17.06.2018 - 16:39

Håøy lies centrally in one of the main shipping lanes going into Bergen --- with Håyøsund on the south side facing Meland, and Hagelsundet facing Lindåslandet. Names like Nordfarskista and Nordfarsskorane explain things. The strategic position was important in Viking times and it has been important in our days too. The beacon on Håøy can have been built in the establishment of the coastal administration in Håkon the Good’s time, about 950 AD. The defence structure of which we say remains on Håøy Summit held a critical position during Norwegian neutrality during the First World War. The defence structure was taken down in 1957.


13.12.2018 - 13:54

Large quantities of nickel ore have been mined from Litlandsvatnet, between Lonevågen and Hosanger. The discovery was made in 1875. During the period of operation from 1882 to 1945, 4170 tonnes of pure nickel were extracted from 462 000 tonnes of ore, a large production by Norwegian standards.


Storavatnet- Red-throated diver

31.03.2018 - 21:14

The troll-like sounds from the Red-throated diver carry long distances between the mountains around Storavatnet. The high-pitched, haunting screeches on quiet evenings in May are a sign that the mating season has begun.

“The Karla Tannery”, Valestrand

Valestrandsfossen- tanning industry

18.06.2018 - 20:04

Valestrand became a centre for the tanning industry in Osterøy; one of the old crafts that has developed into a local industry with many places of work. From the 1870s ever more ventures were started. Many of the large sea houses we see today around the bay have been places for tanning and leather enterprises.



18.06.2018 - 20:06

Mangerite is a rock type that was first made famous in a treatise by the Bergen geologist Carl Fredrik Kolderup in 1903. The rock type got its name from the place where it was found, and has made the Mangerud name well known around the world, at least among geologists.
