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27.05.2018 - 15:48

The state residence at Holmen painted by Catharine Kølle, undated.


19.06.2018 - 18:39

HOLMEN AND THE KØLLE FAMILY Holmen lies by the fjord, innermost in Ulvikpollen. Originally this was a small smallholding or coast dweller’s place belonging to the farm Håheim. Major Johan Henrik Palludan obtained leasehold for a part of Holmen in 1773, and erected a grand house, as he was the head of Nordre Hardangerske kompani. In 1806 Mrs Palludin sold Holmen to the somewhat eccentric theologian Kristian Kølle, and thus the Kølle family came to Ulvik. Today the Kølle house in Holmen is gone, today it is the residence of the principal of the State horticultural school that occupies the ground – a villa in the dragon style from the turn of the previous century.

The soil tongues below Jomfrunuten.


03.12.2018 - 14:13

Freezing and thawing are processes that influence plant cover, move enormous blocks, stretche long mounds of earth, break open bedrock and create patterns in stone and earth.

Hallstatt sword


13.03.2018 - 21:03

Nils Hertzberg watercolour of “Spånheimsklosteret”


27.05.2018 - 15:52

The old communal hamlet before 1910.

Dale farm

18.06.2018 - 20:10

The Dale farm lies well situated on the gravel by the river, below the mountain Beitelen. But a few stone throws further north, on the wide expanse behind the houses, there has been an older farmstead. Here there have been found a number of cooking hollows, pole holes, an old road and traces of something believed to have been a palisade. Finds from this oldest farmstead may be dated to the time of the migrations, 400-600 years A.D.

Neck rings


13.03.2018 - 21:14


Straume- maritime environment

21.11.2018 - 19:35

The defensive refuge at Borgåsen


18.06.2018 - 20:23

In Etne there are no less than four defensive refuges. They are all situated in strategic positions, so that they have served as places of refuge and protection for central parts of the district

Grindheim church

Grindheim church

18.06.2018 - 20:24

The first church at Grindheim was a stave church with a free-standing steeple. The church was first mentioned in 1326, but was probably built long before this time.
