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Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

16.06.2018 - 14:03

Skytjedalen in Eidfjord.


03.01.2019 - 14:57

The contrast between phyllite and Precambrian basement is clearly visible at Lussand.

Lussand- geology

30.11.2018 - 12:16

Hardangerfjorden kløyver Hordaland i to. Den etter måten rettlinja fjorden skjer seg liksom på skeive inn i landet. Ikkje som Sognefjorden og Nordfjord – dei krokar og buktar seg innover meir eller mindre vinkelrett på kysten. Hardangerfjordens utforming har røter 400 millionar år tilbake i tida, då den veike sona i fjellet, der isen seinare tok grådig for seg, vart danna. Denne sona stig på land ved Lussand.

In the background Nordrenut and Vesle Finsenuten, from the south-east.


27.05.2018 - 15:47

Many mountain plants are well prepared to face cold and wind. Some would surely rather face an easier life in the lowlands, but they cannot compete with the higher-growing plants living there. Most mountain plants manage to compete for light and space only if they cling to the bedrock and gravel in the harsh high alpine climate.

Glacial river plain at Lake Klevavatnet.


04.12.2018 - 14:30

They rest there, all as one, the silent witnesses of Western Norway's saga of creation: Precambrian basement, phyllite and thrust sheet. In the end came the glaciers and sculptured the vast landscape. Along the ground or on the horizon, from bicycle or on foot - the landscape tells its story - and it tells it clearer on Rallarvegen than many other places.

Ask mot Herdlefjorden og Holsnøy

Ask- jordbær

12.06.2018 - 16:55

Strawberry-growing on Askøy flourished in the beginning of the last century. When gardener Samson Eik took in the type "Seierherren" from Rosendal in 1909 for growing strawberries on Hop, it appeared that the soil and climate in this area was perfect for the mass production of strawberries.


Frøland- Liarostunnel

16.06.2018 - 17:24



07.12.2018 - 10:32

A barren belt where almost nothing grows, runs through the forest on the east slope of Gullbotnen. But, along the west side of the main road there is a fertile zone that flourishes with several finicky plant types. The contrasts arise from the extreme variations in the nutrient content of the bedrock.

Pygmy willow

Golta- Pygmy willow

16.06.2018 - 17:34

The mill in Kvernapollen


16.06.2018 - 18:29

When the workers came to Kollsnes to start on the work with the landing for the gas terminal from the Troll field in the North Sea, they found the ruins of an old farm mill at Kvernapollen.
