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07.12.2018 - 14:01

It isn't true that hungry students have hunted down basking ducks in the city park Byparken in their spring fervour, as rumours may have it. But, it is not unusual to see students throw themselves over the park's wild birds, and hold on to them tight. They ring the birds. Because of this, we know quite a lot about the birds in Byparken.


12.06.2018 - 19:10

Årstad in the 1890s


12.06.2018 - 17:18

Alrekstad (later Årstad) is the birthplace of Bergen. The estate was an estate for Harald Hårfagre and several of his descendants: Eirik Blodøks, Håkon den gode og Olav Tryggvason. These first kings moved with their courts and guardsmen from estate to estate. From these estates the king ruled the country.



31.03.2018 - 21:20

The Battle of Fitjar from Erik Werenskiold pen

Fitjar- the King's farm

19.06.2018 - 16:05

In front of Fitjar Church there is a memorial stone, sculpted by Anne Grimdalen and erected in 1961, for the thousand-year memorial of one of the most dramatic events in Norway’s history, the Battle of Fitjar. This was the place where Norway’s king, Håkon the Good, suffered his fatal injury in the fight with Eirik’s sons, probably in the year 961.

Strandflat and scree by land


19.06.2018 - 16:06

Avalanche - landslide accident at Kalvanes in Odda in January, 1993.


19.05.2018 - 13:17

On the 17th of January, 1993, the area between the towns of Odda and Eitrheimsneset were struck by a giant avalanche. One person was killed, and there was a lot of material damage.



27.05.2018 - 15:08

Låtefossen waterfall, or more correctly, waterfalls, plunge 165 metres down the mountainside, 51 of them in free fall - to the enchantment of the many tourists along the highway below. The spectacular view is mainly seen from the stage of the Storelvi river in the valley below the waterfall.

Ringedalsfossen innermost in Skjeggedalen


29.03.2018 - 19:01

Hans Jacob Meyer's sculpture Mother and child from 1954, steeple base, Nonneseter monastery

Nonneseter Monastery

12.06.2018 - 19:11
