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Etne and the Etne delta around 1900.


18.06.2018 - 20:23

During the latter half of the 1900s the big natural river deltas on Westland disappeared. Until the 1980s there was still a small, but significant remnant of the original river delta from the Etneelva river, but today most of this, too, is industrial land.

Leech (Jan Rabben)


19.06.2018 - 17:19

Three of the islands in the nature preserve: Litla Vesøya, Stora Vestøya and Lyngøy.


19.06.2018 - 18:12

The richest seabird localities in Bjørna Fjord are FLUØYANE, a group of small and medium-sized islets just east of the entrance to Våge. Here, we see many different nesting birds, but there is the danger that overgrowth will become an obstacle for nesting here in the future. On one of the islands, the environmental protection authority has promised to step in and help the birds.

Reksteren (Svein Nord)


19.06.2018 - 17:46

If you smell a foul smell out in nature, you mustn't immediately think that the reason is cloaca from houses or cabins. The reason can be an entirely natural process that occurs when plants are broken down under special conditions. When there is little oxygen available, hydrogen sulphide can be produced. This is a gas that seeps up from the earth and smells like rotten eggs.



26.05.2018 - 16:30

There are especially many seabirds inwards along the fjords of western Norway. There are not many islets, either, so if the birds want to nest, it is not always easy to find good sites. At Aksnesholmane there is an impressive colony of gulls, and the locality has been protected since 1923.



03.12.2018 - 15:31

Down by the fjord on the farm Berge in Tørvikbygd, is Stekkavika – a sheltered eastward facing harbour, protected against the fjord by headlands and rocks, even manifest in the name. Here is also a comprehensive milieu of coastal industry, with boathouses and sea-sheds that belong to the farms Berge, Heradstveit and Halleråker. Belonging to the farm Berge there is also a mill-house, circular saw, workshop for sloop building, and – a little further up into the woods – the old water-powered sash-saw.



26.05.2018 - 16:33

Bruosen is one of the few river harbours in the county. As landing place for the churchgoers, this place and the boatshed environment follow a tradition that goes back to the Middle Ages, but the country store of today is much younger.

Mining pit in the steep slope at Froastad.


19.05.2018 - 12:50



27.05.2018 - 15:02

Folds are to be found everywhere in the remains of the Caledonian mountain chain. Some were formed during the collision with Greenland, others stem from the time when the mountain chain collapsed. Few can compare with the giant fold that remains in the mountain area around Tørvikenuten, Vesoldo and Hellefjellet.

Kontrasten til den fattige fjellheia omkring kan vera stor.


06.03.2019 - 15:39
