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Hereiane. Jonahornet in the background.


26.05.2018 - 16:24

At Hereiane on warm summer days one you can walk barefoot up the hill from the fjord all the way up to 400 metres elevation. The naked, furrowed bedrock often causes travellers who see it from the north side of the fjord to wonder. Why does it look like this, and why is there so little that grows here? It is a long way to the heavy metal industry in Ålvik and Odda, and there hasn’t been a forest fire in modern times.

Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

Gjønavatnet and Kikedalen

16.06.2018 - 14:03

The rock carving ship on Samnøya, Fusa


13.03.2018 - 21:00



31.03.2018 - 15:01

Lake Skogseidvatnet is the most famous fishing lake in Hordaland, with good stocks of both char and trout. There is fishing here throughout the year: with a net in the autumn, through the ice in winter, and with a fishing rod in the summer.

Vinnesholmen, Fusa


21.11.2018 - 19:25

The spotted trout


31.03.2018 - 15:04

Few other animal species on Hardangervidda have been as much the focus of scientific research as the spotted trout. The spotted trout is considered to be a genetic variant of brown trout. It lives in parts of the Krækkjav water system. Otherwise, on a world scale, this species is only found in a small area in Kaukasus, and possibly also in a lake in Rondane.

Rembesdalsskåka and the lower part of Demmevatnet, from Tresnuten. Demmevass cabin is visible to the left in the picture.


29.11.2018 - 16:02

On the 10th of August, 1937, over half of the agricultural land in Simadalen was submerged by the river. The damage to roads and houses was also catastrophic. This was the most destructive flood ever recorded in Hordaland.

Skytjedalen in Eidfjord.


03.01.2019 - 14:57

The delta at the outflow of Storelvi in Granvinsvatnet.


24.06.2018 - 15:36

After the ice age, Granvin Fjord reached all the way up under Skjervsfjossen waterfall. Just a thousand years later, as a result of the rising of the land after the ice melted, this whole inner part of the fjord freed itself of the sea and became Granvinsvatnet lake. In spite of this rise in elevation, this waterway is still navigable for fish: Sea trout have wandered into Granvinsvatnet in more recent times and evolved to become freshwater trout. And salmon and sea trout made the journey 13 kilometres up the Storelvi river.

The contrast between phyllite and Precambrian basement is clearly visible at Lussand.

Lussand- geology

30.11.2018 - 12:16

Hardangerfjorden kløyver Hordaland i to. Den etter måten rettlinja fjorden skjer seg liksom på skeive inn i landet. Ikkje som Sognefjorden og Nordfjord – dei krokar og buktar seg innover meir eller mindre vinkelrett på kysten. Hardangerfjordens utforming har røter 400 millionar år tilbake i tida, då den veike sona i fjellet, der isen seinare tok grådig for seg, vart danna. Denne sona stig på land ved Lussand.
