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The newly mown hay on the farms at Vangdalsberget tell of the landscape of the scythe
From 4,500 to 5,000 years ago most of Hordaland was a landscape of forest, right out to the coast and the islands. With our inner eye we can see old...
 Folgefonna, Sørfonna

Two of Norway's - and mainland Europe's - largest glaciers, in addition to a number of smaller glaciers, lie in Hordaland. This eternal ice is...

Øst for Bjørsvik, Lindås

The Himalaya Mountain Chain is being formed by the Indian continental plate colliding w the Asian continent. This happens because the earth’s...

 Kysten av Grønland

The continental glacier that covered Hordaland was like a great power that had decisive influence over our natural history. The glaciers which at...

Kart over Christiansgaves Bergverk med omgivelser.

Ølve has the oldest known mines in Hordaland. In 1642, privilege was granted by the king to build an iron works in Jernsmuget on the property of...

På plattformene langt ute i havet er tusenvis av mennesker i arbeid med å hente opp petroleum fra reservoarene et par kilometer under havbunnen.

Already in the 1750s, Erik Pontioppidan fantasized about the possibility of petroleum in the North Sea, in "Forsøg til Norges naturlige Historie...

Takskifer klar til henting. Fra skiferbruddet på Nordheim på Voss.

Hordaland has been through several "Stone Ages". The first was in the real Stone Age, with Bømlo as its centre. Hard stone as tools and weapons...

Bergartene på Litla Kalsøy i Austevoll

Much is hidden from us, but we know some of the main features in the history behind the different rock types and minerals that surround us. The...

Fra Kjeåsen mot Simadalsfjorden

The West Coast of Norway, with its deep fjords that carve far into the high mountains, is one of the most characteristic and - many would say -...

Arctic hunting folk on their way across the ice
The saga regarding the settlement of Hordaland started off about 10,000 years ago. Most of this saga has been recorded in writing, not on paper, but...
The mountain chain dissapears – and the dinosaurs arrive

The Caledonian mountain chain is an example of how plate movements and continental drift can cause collisions and the upheaval of huge mountain...

Geofysisk Institutt
When Professor Emeritus Knut Fægri (1909-2001) was asked to write the book's chapter about the natural science pioneers of Hordaland, he answered...
Urtidsfjell – gneis fra vestlige deler av Stølsheimen.

Almost nothing is as solid, unchangeable and stable as the Norwegian Precambrian basement rocks. Here, there are no volcanic eruptions or violent...

 Landet i vest – på randen av den skandinaviske halvøy. Fra Algrøyna i Fjell. (Svein Nord)

Hordaland er en scene for naturens mange vekslinger – i topografi, berggrunn, vegetasjon og dyreliv, gjennom klimaperioder og årstider.