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Rope making


12.06.2018 - 19:56

Close to the tunnel opening at Amalie Skrams vei in Ssandviken, there is a cultural monument of European dimensions; a rope making works that produced rope and fishing tackle for West and North Norway.

Årstad in the 1890s


12.06.2018 - 17:18

Alrekstad (later Årstad) is the birthplace of Bergen. The estate was an estate for Harald Hårfagre and several of his descendants: Eirik Blodøks, Håkon den gode og Olav Tryggvason. These first kings moved with their courts and guardsmen from estate to estate. From these estates the king ruled the country.

The mills at Rekve around 1890.


18.03.2018 - 08:26

If you enter the farmyard at Rekve, some kilometres from Bulken, where the road departs to Giljarhus, you no longer meet “the miller”, Knut Hernes, in his old rural mill. But some years ago he would wish you welcome, friendly and hospitable, and show you around his mill, which had been his workplace for a generation. As light-footed as a youth he climbed in steep ladders high up into the waterfall, to let the water down on to the waterwheel.

Lysøen, Os


27.03.2019 - 12:54

Lysøen, this fairytale castle with its Russian-inspired onion dome on the corner turret, stands as a reminder of the diversity of the period called Historicism and a monument to a versatile artist; a key figure in the Norwegian National Romanticism.

Ygre Station around 1920.


06.06.2020 - 13:13

Ygre Station lies hidden away for highway travellers, just below the road Vossevangen-Mjølfjell. The station building at Ygre was constructed at Nesttun station in 1879-80. Almost all the stations at the Voss railway were identical. The architect was Balthazar Lange, and the type was called subsidiary station No.4. It is built in the Swiss style, as fashion of the times demanded.

Garnes station


12.06.2018 - 19:16

Blanks for bowls and ladles


13.03.2018 - 20:58

Where the school and the sports facility lie at Eidsbøen there was previously a bog surrounded by small hillocks. More than 1000 years ago this was a holy place, where the dead were buried.

The man from Holmefjord


06.12.2018 - 16:28

Even though we know of several hundred burial places from the Stone Age in Hordaland, we do not often hit on the Stone Age Man himself. But there are a few.

The royal mound at Hop, Askøy

Hop- The royal mounds

13.03.2018 - 21:07

The decorations in the house from Li


12.06.2018 - 20:04
