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Potholes by the Koldals River


29.03.2018 - 11:29

"So many and such big potholes as are found at Eikelandsosen, we don't see other places in western Norway, and as beautifully polished as the mountainside is along the river up to Koldal , one would look a long time to see anywhere else. There is much to dazzle a geologist's eyes. If only these features could bring others the same joy!"

The man from Holmefjord


06.12.2018 - 16:28

Even though we know of several hundred burial places from the Stone Age in Hordaland, we do not often hit on the Stone Age Man himself. But there are a few.



16.06.2018 - 14:05

Some of the giant trees in Hopslia north of Holme Fjord are as much as thirty metres high. Elm and ash are the most common, basswood somewhat rarer. Relatively soft bedrock, good growing conditions and enough light, help them to thrive just here.

The carton factory around 1895., Fusa


16.06.2018 - 14:07


01.04.2018 - 22:05



27.05.2018 - 15:48

The soil tongues below Jomfrunuten.


03.12.2018 - 14:13

Freezing and thawing are processes that influence plant cover, move enormous blocks, stretche long mounds of earth, break open bedrock and create patterns in stone and earth.

Hallstatt sword


13.03.2018 - 21:03

Nils Hertzberg watercolour of “Spånheimsklosteret”


27.05.2018 - 15:52

The Battle of Fitjar from Erik Werenskiold pen

Fitjar- the King's farm

19.06.2018 - 16:05

In front of Fitjar Church there is a memorial stone, sculpted by Anne Grimdalen and erected in 1961, for the thousand-year memorial of one of the most dramatic events in Norway’s history, the Battle of Fitjar. This was the place where Norway’s king, Håkon the Good, suffered his fatal injury in the fight with Eirik’s sons, probably in the year 961.