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Watercolour of the closely knit housing settlement at Engesund in the 1800s.


18.06.2018 - 20:28

For more than 350 years Engesund has been a place for hostelries and trading in the Fitjar islands. The place is centrally placed in the shipping lane, with a sheltered harbour close to the exposed Selbjørnsfjorden. Engesund was once part of the great network of historical stopover places on the coast.

The oldest farmyard at Fryste or Frøystein.


27.05.2018 - 15:48

The farm Frøystein by the Ulvik fjord is commonly called Fryste. In 1614 the name was written Frøstemb – an obvious Danish influence – and the form Frøsten was used up until the land register in 1886 and 1907. It is probable that the name of the farm originally was Frystvin; a vin-name. Thus it has no connection with neither Frøy (Norse fertility god) nor stein (stone).

Færøysund, Fitjar


18.06.2018 - 20:29

The old trading post lies at the sound between Stord and Færøy in Langenuen. There was a country store and steamship forwarding agent up to 1964. The trade was then moved over to the new ferry harbour of Sandvikvåg.

The soil tongues below Jomfrunuten.


03.12.2018 - 14:13

Freezing and thawing are processes that influence plant cover, move enormous blocks, stretche long mounds of earth, break open bedrock and create patterns in stone and earth.

Liarbø, Fitjar


19.06.2018 - 16:07

Glacial river plain at Lake Klevavatnet.


04.12.2018 - 14:30

They rest there, all as one, the silent witnesses of Western Norway's saga of creation: Precambrian basement, phyllite and thrust sheet. In the end came the glaciers and sculptured the vast landscape. Along the ground or on the horizon, from bicycle or on foot - the landscape tells its story - and it tells it clearer on Rallarvegen than many other places.

Smedholmen, Fitjar


30.03.2018 - 20:10

Nils Hertzberg watercolour of “Spånheimsklosteret”


27.05.2018 - 15:52

The farm steading of Årskog.


19.06.2018 - 16:08

Årskog farm is situated in a typical coastal landscape in a gentle terrain that slopes down from the outlying heaths down towards the fjord. The farm steading exists as it was in the 1800s. In 1980 the two brothers, Lars and Olai Årskog donated the farm with all its contents of tools and interior decoration, for museum purposes.