Published: 30.09.2015 | Author: Nils Georg Brekke
Mjelddalen towards Sørfjorden (Svein Nord).
The broad, east-facing Mjelddalen rising up from the fjord at Haus is the richest agricultural area on Osterøy. The Mjelde farms are amongst the oldest on the island and all show the hallmark of an old, grand farm. Here was the residence for the maritime administration and later on court location for Mjelde coastal administration district. Here the church was built, and the Mjelde farms have been both royal property and church property before they became the properties of farmers. By far most of the smallholders on Osterøy were to be found around these farms. From the Middle Ages Mjelde was a separate parish, under Haus’ parish. In Mjelddalen there was a church up to the second half of the 1800s.