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The schoolhouse at Vassel dating from 1886.

The schoolhouse at Vassel dating from 1886. (Svein Nord).

The small, white-painted schoolhouse at Vassel is a modest, but worthy representative for the school in the rural community – an institution for knowledge and a considerable educator of the people. Many of the small rural schools have been rationalised away, but Vassel has been taken good care of, and on 7 December 1976, Lindås School Museum was opened.

Vassel school was built in 1886 and was in use until 1961. More than 100 items are gathered in this small schoolhouse that provides a close-up of the schoolhouse and the central place of the teacher as a public educator and instructor. The oldest school was an ambulatory school. The instruction took place in people’s homes. Lindås started building their own schoolhouses in the 1860s-70s. The first School Act was passed in 1739, and in 1750 so-called school charters were established for the individual parish. These were prepared by the county governor and the priest together with the county law officer, country policeman and four of the leading men in each rural community. 

  • Lindås parish was one of the first to have a school charter, in 1748.

Lindås parish was one of the first to have a school charter, in 1748. This document concerns the salary of the teacher.

  • The smallholding of Viki.

The smallholding of Viki.(Svein Nord).

  • Åsgård, A. (1990) Skulesoge for Lindås: I 1739-1889. Lindås, Nordhordaland forlag.