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On the way from Os to Haljem there is a steep slope covered in deciduous forest on the right side of the road just after Moberg: the Villelia Deciduous Forest Reserve. There are very high ash and elm trees in this forest (roughly 25 metres). Their great size testifies to the nutrient-rich soil and good growing conditions. Villelia has many of the species which are typical of a rich deciduous forest: English ivy, wood sanicle, wood fescue, slender false brome and gagea (pictured). May is the best time to visit the reserve, when the primrose and purple orchid are in bloom.

  • Gagea

Gagea at Villelia (Jan Rabben)

  • Moe, B. 1995. Vernet edelløvskog i Hordaland; tilstand, fastruteanalyser, floraoversikt og skjøtselsbehov 20 år etter registreringene. Fylkesmannen i Hordaland.MVA-rapport 5.